3 things you probably didn't know about anti-wrinkle injections

1. It can take a few days – up to 2 weeks – to see the full effects of anti-wrinkle injections… but they last for up to 6 months.

It can take as long as 14 days to see real results from anti-wrinkle injections, and you are not going to see much of anything for at least 5 days. It takes that long for the injected proteins to work their ways through the skin – they are never injected in the bloodstream. The effect spreads out from the injection point slowly, affecting more nerves and tiny muscle groups, until it has affected the entire area targeted and no farther.

In time – as much as 6 months – the protein is completely absorbed and denatured by the body, and you might need a new treatment.

2. Anti-wrinkle injections can also reduce sweating, in places like the forehead, the armpits, the palms and even the soles of your feet!

The same protein that reduces the response of tiny facial muscles to nerve stimulation can turn down the volume on your sweat glands too! Some aestheticians and doctors can treat hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating – with botulism toxin a injections. This treatment is surprisingly popular among businessmen. No one wants to close a deal with a clammy handshake, after all!

3. Anti-wrinkle injection treatments like Botox does not ‘paralyze your face’ or take away your facial expressions

Even since botulism toxin A – ‘Botox-style’ facial injections became popular, there have been people in popular media trying to make them sound decadent, medically unsafe or simply ridiculous. One of the most effective ways they have ‘sold’ this agenda is with half-truths. They say that Botox-style anti-wrinkle injections paralyze the face, or remove your ability to have facial expressions. This could not be farther from the truth. But let’s address this more fully.

The half-truth: Botox-style anti-wrinkle injections do use a chemical derived form the botulism bacterial to relax some facial muscles. However, it does not ‘paralyse’ them. Only if fantastically too much of the chemical were used, and if it were applied in entirely the wring way to exactly the wrong areas of the face, could anything like that occur.

It’s like saying “You shouldn’t use a hammer to drive that nail, what if you hit yourself right in the eye with it?” No one would do that. Definitely not any clinician or aesthetician who has actually been trained in using the technique correctly.

The full truth: Many of the fine lines and wrinkles that develop on the face through aging are actually down to the tightening and shifting of the muscles that underlie the skin of your face, especially those around your eyes and forehead. Over the years, we develop different ‘resting expressions’, which change the shape of out faces even when we are not ‘actively emoting’. This dramatically deepens some lines and wrinkles, and eventually just becomes part of the face itself.

Most importantly, the facial muscles that define your expression are never targeted with injections.

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